You Can Now Receive Insurance Coverage for Doula Services

Can you believe that just 40 years ago, midwives and doulas were… illegal?!

The days of “underground” work and pretending we’re “just a sister” are over! Now doulas aren’t just accessible, we’re covered.

“Doula Canada Certified Doulas Now Covered by Insurance, a First in Canada.”

Psst! That’s me — I’m thrilled be certified by Doula Canada!

It all depends on who you’re insured under. SunLife Insurance is the company that has taken the first HUGE step in leading our nation to better coverage. If you are insured with them, you’ll need to contact them or check your healthcare spending account. Make sure it’s covered and find out how much your plan covers.

Do you qualify for insurance coverage?

If you aren’t insured by them, consider switching!

Although not every insurance company is covering doula services (yet), Doula Canada has promised to “Use what we have learned from our success with Sun Life to continue to advocate for more insurance companies to cover doula care!” They are highly responsible for this first big step and I know they will continue to cause change for the better.

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The birth of your dreams awaits you!

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